Grand Tetons
May 2006

Since I was about to move away from Montana, I made sure to get down to the Grand Tetons.
I got there the week before Memorial Day before the crowds hit.
There was also plenty of snow left on the mountains!
If I remember correctly, this image was taken at the north end of Jackson Lake.
I took way more photos than I am willing to put on a webpage!
If I remember correctly, this was more to the south of Jackson Lake.
I took this the second day.
This is another photo taken across the water.
I much prefer my photos of the mountains taken against the water.
Notice the reflection in the water.
These ended up being my favorite shots.
I have quite a few more.
If I remember correctly this was taken more at
the northern end of Jackson Lake looking southward.

This gives a closer look at the mountains.

All in all, the Grand Tetons were magnificent.
But I think driving and hiking in Glacier National Park is much more impressive because you are right up in the mountains rather than looking at them from a distance.